21 – 22 September 2022
Language: English
Brussels, Belgium

“Back to a healthy future” – under this meaningful title, the two projects INNO4COV-19 and COVID-X, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, will organize a two-day event in Brussels (Belgium) on September 21-22, 2022. All companies involved in the projects will have the opportunity to present their developed innovations and their results to a broad audience.

We are looking forward to being there as well! As part of our INNO4COV-19 contribution “Vital4Cov-19”, Greta Kreuzer (CEO cosinuss°) will present the concept and progress made so far.

Innovations within the framework of INNO4COV-19 and COVID-X

One of the main topics of “Back to a healthy future” is the question of how life goes on, especially after Covid-19 – for the individual patient as well as for the health care system and politics. What strategies to date have been successful in combating the pandemic? What technological solutions are helping with early detection, monitoring, and follow-up of Covid-19? What future challenges do we still need to address? These are other questions that will be addressed during the event.

The event will feature a corporate exhibit area as well as presentations and networking opportunities. On the second day, two roundtables will be available to discuss regulatory barriers in the European market and lessons learned in healthcare. Participants in the discussions will include the EC, WHO, regulatory consultants, public health stakeholders, and well-known companies.

cosinuss° Project: Vital4Cov-19

Greta Kreuzer will present our project “Vital4Cov-19”. This INNO4COV-19 application is about remote monitoring of COVID-19 patients and related more targeted hospital admissions based on vital sign monitoring. In addition to the project’s objectives, Greta Kreuzer will share experiences from specific use cases of our sensor technology. The in-ear sensors and the associated remote patient monitoring system were able to show in initial studies and real hospital deployments that remote monitoring of relevant vital signs is of great benefit to both medical staff and patients.

Read more about “Vital4Cov-19” here:
INNO4COV-19: Vital4Cov-19

More information about the event

The event “Back to a healthy future” will take place in Brussels (Belgium) at the SQUARE conference center. Almost simultaneously, the “1st Pan-European Hospital & Healthcare Procurement Summit” will be held at the same conference center (September 20-21, 2022). The aim of the summit is to highlight the most pressing issues currently facing procurement professionals. Thus, on-site attendees will have the opportunity to network with numerous relevant stakeholders from the European healthcare industry.

We are looking forward to a valuable exchange during the “Back to the future” event!


Further information



  • Melanie Schade

    M.A. Kommunikationswissenschaft und Online-Marketing-Expertin mit Schwerpunkt auf Gesundheits- und Wissenschaftskommunikation. // M.A. Communication Studies and online marketing expert with a focus on health and science communication.

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