Continuous improvements is our goal. The base of these improvements for us is you, the user.

We try to take your place and develop exemplary cases where we try to imagine how we could help you solve your problems, expand your business or improve it. In this post, read our thoughts on how we can enhance basal temperature monitoring with a convenient technology.

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In order to support the desire to have children, the first step is to determine the women’s cycle. This knowledge helps to determine the optimal time for natural family planning (NFP) or intrauterine insemination (IAI). For this first stage of fertility treatment either the hormone level can be tested or the temperature (basal temperature or body core temperature) recorded.

The recording of the temperature for the determination of the female cycle should ideally take place over a longer period of time during sleep. Measurements with a conventional clinical thermometer not only provide more or less accurate temperature data depending on the measuring place but also only one-time readings. Due to not being able to measure the basal temperature directly in the night, it is recommended to take the women´s temperature right after waking up. Various algorithms then try to calculate back to the minimum core temperature which is always reached at night.

Previously available solutions for the direct measurement of basal body temperature at night (e.g. bracelets, vaginal ring thermometers) are either not suitable for a precise determination of ovulation or must be worn almost continuously inside the body. It is possible for women to measure the hormone level in their urine at home, but it must be integrated into the daily routine and is therefore often associated with a great deal of effort.


Support of natural family planning (NFP) or intrauterine insemination (IAI) by a comfortable cycle recording at home. This can only be achieved by a reliable and highly precise recording of the body temperature during sleep, which permits few application errors and is comfortable to use.

Why the degree° of cosinuss° is the right solution:

With degree° the basal temperature can be directly recorded during sleep. Due to the continuous infrared measurement in the ear, the degree° is much more comfortable to use and at the same time as precise as the temperature measurement in the body (anus, vagina). A reading of the thermometer is not necessary. The data is conveniently transferred directly to the user’s mobile device and then to the doctor.

How can gynaecologist use the degree°?

Use: Cycle diagnostics for women who wish to have children
Data collection: degree°
Time period: 4-6 months, until successful fertilization
Vital signs monitored: Core temperature/Basal temperature (during sleep)
Additional information collected Menstruation, cervical mucus, sexual activities
Data Transfer: The patient measures the basal temperature at home overnight. The data is collected via the cosinuss° LabApp on the patient’s smartphone and sent to the cosinuss° Server or the physician’s own server. From there the data can be retrieved via the cosinuss° web application or integrated into the existing databases (CDBMS/LIMS) and thus made available in the clinic.
Data Analysis: The cycle and thus the fertile days of the patient are determined according to previously defined limit/key values or on the basis of an algorithm. Further artificial intelligences enable individual prognoses of future fertility windows.
Required components: degree° Sensor,
degree° App
Health Platform (optional)

Findings from the data obtained:

  • Cycle length
  • Cycle duration
  • Ovulation
  • Fertility window

How can we help you?

Depending on the selected modules of the system, we can help you to directly measure the cycle curves of your patients, or at least give your patients a way to measure your basal temperature more accurately and directly.

With a scientifically based technology, the first stage of fertility therapy is supported with little effort and high comfort for the patients.

Potential further areas of application:

Fertility clinics, women who wish to have children

Contact – Fertility Tracking

Dipl.-Kffr. Greta Kreuzer
Cosinuss GmbH
Kistlerhofstraße 60
D – 81379 München
Tel.: +49 (0)89 740 418 32 |


  • Gerrit Schweiger

    B.A. Kommunikationsdesigner und UX/UI Designer mit Schwerpunkt auf Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. // B.A. Communication Designer and UX/UI Designer with a focus on digitalization in healthcare.

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