January 18, 2023
Munich, Germany

The cosinuss° expert network is an independent association of experts
from emergency medicine, digital healthcare and related fields,
who contribute their experience, ideas and needs from their respective fields to the development and strategic planning of cosinuss°.

The voluntary and informal nature provides a high degree of flexibility and transparency to mutually benefit from each other’s knowledge and feedback in early stages of product development and distribution.


  • Introductions
  • Recent development updates
  • Current status of use cases
  • Membership application

If you too are interested in contributing to successful digital healthcare with your experience, please feel free to contact us at: experts@cosinuss.com


  • Gerrit Schweiger

    B.A. Kommunikationsdesigner und UX/UI Designer mit Schwerpunkt auf Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. // B.A. Communication Designer and UX/UI Designer with a focus on digitalization in healthcare.

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